Exits & Alumni
When it comes to HR processes, the act of employee offboarding often falls on the back burner, receiving little to no attention. While any organization that terms employees can say they offboard, few do so effectively. Whether you’re reducing your workforce, retiring team members or losing top talent on their own accord, it’s important to offboard with intention. After all, they say good companies can be measured by the way they treat employees on their way out. An effective offboarding program provides an effortless way to engage employees with a seamless, customized exit experience. It also makes the exit process much more efficient, streamlined and HR-compliant.
Compliant employee offboarding for a seamless and intuitive exit experience
- Compliantly offboard employees with state-mandated separation notices.
- Facilitate smoother knowledge transfer and procurement requirements/safeguards.
- Track and manage progress from the Click boarding Administrative Portal.
- Create a return path for downstream opportunities with high performing boomerangs.
- Enhance compliance and data security via a neutral third party platform.
- Reinforce your alumni brand and referral.

Short and long-term business impacts.
Engaging Experiences
Ensure positive experiences, brand security and referral/rehire potential by leveraging Click’s unique portal with empathetic language & tone.
Security & Compliance
Click offers an efficient, compliant offboarding solution to meet the changing demands of today’s world. Next-level offboarding streamlines the administration of employee exits while creating a configurable experience that’s engaging for brand security and referral potential.
Seamless Integrations
Automatic initiation of provisioning and other applications to create and assign tasks for such things as asset retrieval and services shut off.
Lean on Click’s fully digital, customized offboarding URL & email messaging to make the exit process much more efficient, streamlined, and compliant for HR.

An Outlook on Offboarding
Only 29% of organizations have a formal offboarding process to transition employees out of an organization.
15% Employees who have boomeranged back to a former employer.
See the outcomes of offboarding with these easy-to-use templates.
Free templates to get you started Involuntary offboarding as the result of a mass company layoff or workforce reduction...
The AHAs of employee offboarding. Alumni employees can be a great resource for referrals, boomerang as return employees, and...